The Ranger Federation of Asia (RFA) is an association of rangers, forest guards and frontline staff who protect Asia’s wildlife, supported by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
RFA wanted a complete revamp of its website, as the old one not only had an outdated design, but was also partly dysfunctional (a search for members and display them on a map did not work), and the membership registration and administration were not integrated with the website. Furthermore, the Member Forum was flooded with spam messages, making it essentially disfunctional, too.
Thanks to the availability of high quality photos, we were able to use these in the new design with a strong focus on visuals. On the Home Page we included a full width slider (screenshot 1) and further down a ‘block’ with the main work areas of RFA (screenshot 2).
We also used these high quality photos on the pages ‘About’ (screenshot 3) and ‘Our Work’ where – on desktops – we used a 3-column magazine style lay-out (screenshot 4).
The Member Section, incl. map and search options is now fully functional. As the region where RFA is active is large (all of Asia) and many rangers are located quite close together, we implemented so-called ‘marker clustering‘ on the map (screenshot 5). Clicking on such a cluster zooms in to the selected area.
For an organisation like RFA, the News Section of course is very important. Besides a 2-column ‘masonry’ lay-out, we included filtering for Media Releases, Newsletters, and Ranger Stories (screenshot 6). At the top of that page there is a button to sign up for updates. We installed a newsletter system, where interested visitors can sign up for the bi-annually published newsletter and/or for every new article published on the website (screenshot 7).
Furthermore, we have set up an easy to use system for member registration, incl. automatic replies, and administration of existing members.
And of course, the website displays nicely on all kinds of different devices, incl. mobile phones (screenshot 8).
See the website: Ranger Federation of Asia

Techniques & Functionalities
- CSS3
- Directory
- Discussion Board
- Filters
- jQuery
- Lightbox
- Location Map
- Newsletter
- Responsive
- Slider
- SSL-certificate
- Sticky Header