Booking Systems

Booking Systems

We can build an easy and user friendly booking or reservation system for you.

Give your occupancy a boost!

Offer Online Bookings

Suppose you are the owner of a hotel, guesthouse, restaurant, travel agency or tour operator. Or that you are active in the tourism industry offering classes, activities, tours, or travel packages. Or that you offer services on a time based schedule.

When surfing the Internet for hotel rooms, activities or places to eat, potential guests are looking for websites that offer the speed and convenience of a one-stop availability check, instant purchase and confirmation.

Use the power of the internet and capture potential clients. With an online booking system, you not only increase your sales, you will also boost your efficiency.

Availability real-time

Our Booking System enables visitors to your website to confirm their reservation in ‘real-time‘. You close the sale immediately, without having to bother with time-consuming emails and faxes between clients and your reservations staff.

With our Reservation System you can quickly and easily update rooms, rates and other information yourself. Or you can create special offers or change the entire ‘look and feel’ of your site with a few clicks of the mouse.

Your staff of course can still make bookings for walk-in guests or customers. The system will update instantly, reflecting the newly booked state online.

Optimize website’s potential

Are you still relying on old-style bookings and reservations? Staff members writing down the details in an agenda? There are many disadvantages to that.

First of all, people make mistakes. Your employee writes down the wrong date, time or name. Your employee forgets to check for double bookings. Even worse, your personnel are too busy to pick up the phone and reserve tables for a group of 50!

Secondly, you are missing out on potential customers. More and more people search the internet to plan their holiday. They reserve hotel rooms online, they search and book activities, explore restaurants and find itineraries to their needs. If you don’t offer online bookings or reservations, these people will go elsewhere, to your competition!

Reliable and efficient

Guests find our online Reservations Systems easy-to-use, with uncluttered screens and prompts.

Booking is a simple three step process. Reservations staff love the auto-generated emails each time a customer makes a reservation on the system. Rooms, activities, tours or tables are automatically returned to the system if bookings are cancelled.

Owners and managers appreciate the ease with which rates can be changed, special offers applied, and reports generated.

CamboDesign can build:

  • Table Reservation Systems for Restaurants
  • Room Booking Systems for Hotels or Guesthouses
  • Reservation Systems for Tour Operators
  • Appointment Systems for Hairdressers, Massage Salons, Medical Professionals etc.
  • Reservation Systems for Travel Itineraries

The Reservation System will be set up exactly as you specify with a wide range of features. Once the system is operating, you can easily make changes.