Website Design Xellency Online Shop | Phnom Penh
eCommerce • Retail • Multi-lingual
Xellency is an eCommerce shop selling famous Swiss coffee maker Chicco d’Oro products (coffee capsules, coffee machines and accessories).
The home page (screenshot 1) features a slider with beautiful pictures of a young woman drinking Chicco d’Oro coffee. Beneath the slider the coffee machines and capsules (the latter in a so-called carousel) are showcased. Hovering over the product thumbnails you can either click for more details or add the product directly to a shopping cart.
On the product details page (screenshot 2), when clicking on the image a larger picture pops up (CamboDesign can also make this in a zoom effect: when hovering over the picture you will more clearly see the details).
The website further includes a map with locations in Phnom Penh where Chicco d’Oro coffee is served (screenshot 3) and a database with coffee recipes (screenshot 4).
The Xellency website will be bi-lingual (English/Khmer) later and also includes a newsletter subscription system, including a newsletter template reflecting the site’s style.
See the website:

Techniques & Functionalities
- CSS3
- jQuery
- Location Map
- Newsletter
- Product Compare
- Slider
- WooCommerce