KBach Gallery | Phnom Penh

Website Design KBach Gallery | Phnom Penh

eCommerce • Retail • Multi-lingual • Mobile friendly • SEO


(click on thumbnails for a larger view)

K-Bach Gallery is an art gallery in Phnom Penh, focused on supporting and promoting the Cambodian urban/street art scene and its artists. The gallery wanted a ‘minimalist’ website design with lots of ‘white space’ to draw a visitor’s attention to what it’s all about: the art. At the same time, K-Bach Gallery also wanted a full screen image on the Home Page to engage visitors. We think we have combined the 2 – in itself – contradictory requirements.

Indeed, the Home Page (screenshot 1) has a full-screen image with on top not only of course the menu but also icons with links to their social networks (Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube). After the introductory text, the latest added art pieces for sale are shown. This works automatically: every time a new art piece is added to the online shop, it’s shown on the Home Page of the website.

Further down, besides their contact details, the ‘footer area’ of the website features a link to the latest video (which opens in a so-called ‘pop-up’ window, see screenshot 2), and a form to sign-up for their newsletter. This is a so-called ‘double opt-in’ form, which means the visitor signing up gets an email with a link to confirm the subscription. This makes sure you don’t get ‘fake’ sign-ups and keeps your subscribers list clean.

We already mentioned the online shop. You can see the art pieces for sale overview page in screenshot 3. In the sidebar are filters. In this case: filter products by ‘Artist’ or ‘Price’. This page is a little scrolled down and notice what happens to the menu bar: it stays in place – a so-called ‘sticky menu‘ – but smaller, and therefor with a ‘stripped down’ version of the logo (otherwise it would not be readable). Unfortunately, we cannot show you here how it smoothly changes into this different shape, but you can see it on the website itself.

On to the individual art pieces for sale pages (screenshot 4). Again, these are ‘minimalist’ with lots of white space as per the wishes of K-Bach Gallery. The thing you might notice here is that the products page not only has a button ‘Add to Basket’ (as is standard in our chosen e-commerce solution), but also a button ‘Pay directly with Credit Card’. We have implemented PayPal Express together with a solution to direct pay. This means, when clicking on that button, a visitor directly goes to PayPal’s secure credit card payment page. No unnecessary forms, just quick and easy payment.

The stars of the show of any art gallery are of course the artists, so they have dedicated pages (screenshot 5). On these pages visitors can not only see an artist’s biography and a few examples of his work, but it also contains links to their website, social channels, and – if available – a video. This feature of the website is something the artists really appreciate. Of course: they get exposure and clicks through the gallery they’re working with.

The website, including all pages, artist biographies, contact form, products, product pages, product filters, product categories, and online shop functionalities have been fully translated into Khmer. Please see screenshot 6 (Home Page in Khmer) and screenshot 7 (Product Page in Khmer). We think we’re one of the first web design companies in Cambodia to offer a full translation into Khmer of the online shop, as the plug-in used for that – WooCommerce – has only limited Khmer translation files.

What we don’t show you here is that the website also contains a POS (Point Of Sales) system, which is used in the gallery itself to facilitate sales there.

Is the website mobile friendly? Of course it is (screenshot 8). CamboDesign always delivers websites that work flawlessly on all possible devices: desktops, laptops, tablets and smart phones.

Visit website: kbachgallery.com.
Khmer language version: kbachgallery.com/km/

eCommerce Website Development Phnom Penh

Techniques & Functionalities

  • AJAX
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • jQuery
  • Lightbox
  • Location Map
  • Newsletter
  • Online Payments
  • Responsive
  • Slider
  • WooCommerce

Scroll the screens below to see how E2STEM website displays.