Getting Results
Always put the user first……and balance the user’s and search engine’s needs.
Text Amount
There are two extremes we see out there. One extreme is to have home pages with little or no text at all. They are completely graphics driven. They expect the user to click through to other pages to even find out what the company does.
And they expect the search engine to guess what they do and what the site has to offer…
The other extreme is information overload. They don’t want a user to click for anything, it is all right there on the home page (if the user has the patience to bother reading it).
And there are tons of keywords! Splashed throughout the page, there’s no way Google’s going to miss this one (or so you think)!
Effectively balance the user’s and the search engine’s needs.
Word Usage
By now, many of you realize that it’s the words in your page text that are going to get you found on the search engines.
But most of you are still unsure of how to make this knowledge work for you. You try to force in several keywords trickled around unnecessary text.
Choose two keyword phrases and use them throughout the page. Starting with the headlines and sub-headlines. Avoid clever and/or flowery text, this will get you nowhere.
These days static websites are usually not enough. To stay in contact with your customers and users, you need to keep your website up-to-date with daily or weekly content. This can be achieved with content management systems & blogs.
Text Layout
Your visitors and search engines will respond better to your home page text if it is laid out properly.
Both visitors and search engines scan text looking for information that jumps out at them.
So, the aim should always be to make it as easy as possible for users to find and use the information on your website.
Position the text to have headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short sentence teasers that link to pages within the site.
Put the first heading close to the top of the page.
Have your most important keyword phrase in the heading.